• Time control
  • Electronic signature
  • Certified releases

We add the security and confidence factor in electronic operations.

We help digitize companies, we digitize society.

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We seal and safeguard electronic documents.

We are trusted providers, we act as a trusted third party.

Daily record of the working day, with probative value, from anywhere and at any time. With the Employee Portal for the management of vacations, cancellations, sending documents, processing expenses, reports, ...

Electronic signature of documents, with probative value. Digitization and streamlining of processes with smart forms (Smart Forms). Guaranteed chain of trust with status traceability by dates.

Certified communications via email (email) and short messages (sms), with probative value, and the same legal and legal effects as the burofax by letter. It is faster, more comfortable and cheaper. With status traceability by dates.